Neutral Citation: Ngcobo v The State (115/2024) [2025] ZASCA 12 (12 February 2025)
Case No: 115/2024
Neutral Citation: Absa Bank Limited v Johan Serfontein and Another (740/2023) [2024] ZASCA 11 (10 February 2025)
Case No: 740/2023
Neutral Citation: Manwadu v Manwadu and Others (799/2023) [2025] ZASCA 10 (10 February 2025)
Case No: 799/2023
Neutral Citation: Kangra Coal (Pty) Ltd v The Trustees of the Time Being of the Corneels Greyling Trust and Others (1052/2023) [2025] ZASCA 09 (06 February 2025)
Case No: 1052/2023
Neutral Citation: Magasela v The State (1257/2023) [2025] ZASCA 08 (31 January 2025)
Case No: 1257/2023
Neutral Citation: Spar Group Limited and Others v Twelve Gods Supermarket (Pty) Ltd and Others (1100/2022) [2025] ZASCA 07 (30 January 2025)
Case No: 1100/200
Neutral Citation: Equistock Properties 8 (Pty) Ltd and Another v Oosthuizen and Others (738/2023 and 739/2023) [2025] ZASCA 06 (29 January 2025)
Case No: 738/2023 and 739/2023
Neutral Citation: Mashwayi Projects (Pty) Ltd and Others v Wescoal (Pty) Ltd and Others (1157/2023) [2025] ZASCA 5 (29 January 2025)
Case No: 1157/2023
Neutral Citation: Du Plessis v Majiedt N O and Others (Case no 841/2023) [2025] ZASCA 4 (28 January 2025)
Case No: 841/2023
Neutral Citation: Kidrogen RF (Pty) Ltd v Erasmus and Others (815/2023) [2025] ZASCA 03 (17 January 2025)
Case No: 815/2023