Physical address: Cnr Mirriam Makeba & President Brand Streets, Bloemfontein, Free State, 9301
Postal address: PO Box 258, Bloemfontein, Free State, 9300

GPS: E 26.21675; S -29.11563
Switchboard: +27 51 412 7400 +27 51 492 4623 or + Registrar's Clerks 27 51 492 4627/4715


Chief Registrar: Ms Simone Basson

Tel: +27 51 492 4674, Fax: +27 51 412 7449, Email:


Registrar: Ms Carmen De Wee

 Tel: +27  51 492 4690, Fax: +27 51 412 7449, Email:


Assistant Director: Library Services, Asset and ICT: Mr Tshireleco Mabula

Tel: +27  51 492 4684, Fax: +27  51 412 7449 E-mail:


Office Manager: Ms Minkateko Maluleke

Office of the President of the Supreme Court of Appeal  

Tel: 051 492 4687, Fax +27 51 412 7449 E-mail:


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