Land – Land Reform – calculation of just and equitable compensation to owner for land awarded to labour tenant – proper evaluation of factors including market value – owner aware of labour tenant’s claim when land purchased for development – claim a pre-existing impediment affecting development potential -Pointe Gourde principle not of application.
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Claim for re-transfer of property – a debt as contemplated in Chapter III of the Prescription Act – whether reversionary clause creates a limited real right or a personal right – right not absolute but a relative one and only enforceable against a class of individuals – prescription affects the contractual right to claim re-transfer – claim prescribed.
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Practice: Civil Procedure: extinctive prescription: claim by bank for payment of a debt arising from loan agreement: mortgage bond registered over a notarial lease: lease cancelled and thus security falling away: debt no longer secured: period of prescription running from date when amount payable under the loan became due as envisaged in s 12(1) of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969.
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Refugees Act 130 of 1998 : decision to close refugee reception office under s 8(1) : challenged for want of rationality : decision-maker not taking into account relevant considerations, not complying with the empowering provision, acting with ulterior and improper purpose and making error of law.
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Securities Services Act 36 of 2004 – proceedings before enforcement committee – not in the nature of criminal proceedings – civil standard of proof applies – administrative penalties imposed by enforcement committee – not in the nature of a penal sanction.
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Municipality providing a beachside facility of a pool with slides – whether legal duty on Municipality to provide supervision or access control – whether Municipality negligent – foreseeability.
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Asylum seekers in terms of the Refugees Act 130 of 1998 may not, while they are in the country, apply for a visa in terms of s 10(2) of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002, read with regulation 9(2) of the Immigration Regulations.
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National Forests Act 84 of 1998 – ss 3(3)(a), 7(1)(a) and 7(4) – licence to carry out prohibited activities in a natural forest – meaning of ‘natural forests must not be destroyed save in exceptional circumstances’ – nature of discretion – rigid adherence to policy – improper exercise of discretion – refusal of licence – review of decision.
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