Appeal – application for leave to appeal against convictions dismissed by regional magistrate - petition refused by the court a quo- special leave to appeal against the dismissal of petition granted to Supreme Court of Appeal – whether leave to appeal ought to have been granted by court a quo - whether there are reasonable prospects of success.
Section 17(2)(f) of the Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013 – reconsideration of dismissal of petition for leave to appeal – co-accused of applicant having been granted leave to appeal on petition and having succeeded in his appeal – applicant’s prospects of success on appeal strong – leave to appeal granted.
Parole – application therefor brought by respondent serving sentence of life incarceration for murder in terms of s 136(1) of the Correctional Services Act 111 of 1998 – appellant’s omission to consider widow of deceased’s victim impact statement and the failure to furnish the respondent therewith constituted material procedural irregularities in terms of s 6(2) of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 vitiating the refusal to place the respondent on parole – decision remitted for the appellant’s reconsideration.
Media Summary
Where an acknowledgment of indebtedness is made by a debtor to a creditor, even in without prejudice settlement negotiations, the acknowledgment may be admitted in evidence for the sole purpose of interrupting the running of the prescription period in terms of s 14 of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969.
Constitutional law – application by media to broadcast criminal proceedings – tension between the right to freedom of expression and the open justice principle, on the one hand and the right to a fair trial, on the other – those rights should as far as possible be harmonised with one another – court must exercise a proper discretion under s 173 of the Constitution in each case by balancing the degree of risk involved in allowing the cameras into the court room against the degree of risk that a fair trial might not ensue – courts ought not to restrict the nature and scope of the broadcast unless prejudice is demonstrable and there is a real risk that such prejudice will occur – mere conjecture or speculation that prejudice might occur ought not to be enough.
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Application in terms of s 17(2)(f) of the Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013: powers of the President of the SCA: in exceptional circumstances: to refer a decision of this court on petition for reconsideration and, if necessary, variation: exceptional circumstances not found: application refused.
Exchange control; illegal payments of US dollars made by a bank by reason of a fraud: recipient aware that payments made due to a false misrepresentation and would not otherwise have been made: recipients resultantly complicit in the fraud: amounts paid to be refunded to the bank.
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Application in terms of s 18 of the Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013 for execution order pending finalisation of an appeal process: whether refusal of an application for leave to appeal stultifies application for leave to execute notwithstanding that a further application for leave to appeal to next highest court envisaged: whether applicant for execution order proved existence of exceptional circumstances as contemplated in s 18(1): whether respondent, in terms of s 18(3), proved on balance of probabilities that it will suffer irreparable harm in the event of the execution order not being granted and that the appellant would not: provisions of s 18(4) discussed: requirement that court must ‘immediately record’ its reasons for granting execution order: meaning of ‘next highest court’ not entirely clear: whether two parallel appeal processes in the same appeal court in the same case desirable.
Media Summary
Evidence: what constitutes sufficiency of circumstantial evidence: conviction based on circumstantial evidence well-founded: cross-appeal: finding of substantial and compelling circumstances justifying sentences lesser than the minimum sentences prescribed by statute not constituting misdirection.