Category: Judgments 2012
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Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 141.31 KB

Neutral Citation: Computek v The Commissioner, SARS (830/11) [2012] ZASCA 178 (29 November 2012)

Case No: 830/11

Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 68.48 KB

Neutral Citation: Emalahleni Local Municipality & another v Propark Association & another (89/12) [2012] ZASCA 177 (29 November 2012)

Case No: 89/12

Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 210.73 KB

Neutral The National Credit Regulator v Standard Bank of SA Ltd (231/12) [2012] ZASCA 176 (29 November 2012)

Case No: 231/12

Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 518.7 KB

Neutral Citation: The General Council of the Bar of SA v Geach & others (277/12; 273/12; 274/12; 275/12; 278/12; 280/12; 281/12 ) [2012] ZASCA 175 (29 November 2012)

Case No: 277/12; 273/12; 274/12; 275/12; 278/12; 280/12; 281/12

Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 219.09 KB

Neutral Citation: Buthelezi & another v Minister of Home Affairs & others (242/12) [2012] ZASCA 174 (29 November 2012)

Case No: 242/12

Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 120.2 KB

Neutral Citation: Farjas (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs of the RSA (753/11) [2012] ZASCA 173 (29 November 2012)

Case No: 753/11

Media Summary

Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 101.75 KB

Neutral Citation: Meintjes v The Government of the Republic of South Africa (305/11) [2012] ZASCA 172 (28 November 2012)

Case No: 305/11

Media Summary

Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 109.23 KB

Neutral Citation: NDPP v Van Staden (730/11) ZASCA 171 (28 November 2012)

Case No: 730/11

Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 49.53 KB

Neutral Citation: Chetty v Italtile (668/11) [2012] ZASCA 170 (28 November 2012)

Case No: 668/11

Media Summary

Created: 2020-01-30
Size: 105.98 KB

Neutral Citation: Road Accident Fund v Duma (202/12) and three related cases (Health Professions Council of South Africa as Amicus Curiae) [2012] ZASCA 169 (27 November 2012)

Case No: 202/12