Category: Judgements 2024
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Created: 2024-07-25
Size: 353.75 KB

Neutral Citation: Estelle Le Roux and Another v Dielemaar Holdings (Cape) Pty Ltd and Another (414/2023) [2024] ZASCA 118 (25 July 2024)

Case No: 41/2023

Media Summary

Created: 2024-07-24
Size: 246.16 KB

Neutral Citation: De Kock v Du Plessis and Others (284/2023) [2024] ZASCA 117 (24 July 2024)

Case No: 284/2023

Media Summary

Created: 2024-07-24
Size: 338.39 KB

Neutral Citation: Botha v Botha (259/2023) [2024] ZASCA 116 (24 July 2024)

Case No: 259/2023

Media Summary

Created: 2024-07-24
Size: 550.78 KB

Neutral Citation: Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Tunica Trading 59 (Pty) Ltd (1252/2022) [2024] ZASCA 115 (24 July 2024)

Case No: 1252/2022

Media Summary

Created: 2024-07-22
Size: 437.44 KB

Neutral Citation: Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors and Others v East Rand Member District of Chartered Accountants and Others (945/2022 and 40/2023) [2024] ZASCA 114 (22 July 2024)

Case No: 945/2022 & 40/2023

Media Summary

Created: 2024-07-16
Size: 747.64 KB

Neutral Citation: Nyhonyha N O and Others v NDPP (972; 973 & 974/22) [2024] ZASCA 113 (16 July 2024)

Case No: 972, 973 & 974/22

Media Summary

Created: 2024-07-16
Size: 253.44 KB

Neutral Citation: Gannet Works (Pty) Ltd and Others v Middleton Sue NO and Another (492/2023) [2024] ZASCA 112 (16 July 2024)

Case No: 492/2023

Media Summary

Created: 2024-07-12
Size: 596 KB

Neutral Citation: Christoffel Hendrik Wiese and Others v CSARS (1307/2022) [2024] ZASCA 111 (12 July 2024)

Case No: 1307/2022

Media Summary

Created: 2024-07-10
Size: 582.34 KB

Neutral Citation: City of Cape Town v The South African Human Rights Commission and Others (1337/2022; 368/2023) [2024] ZASCA 110 (10 July 2024)

Case No: 1337/2022 & 368/2023

Media Summary

Created: 2024-07-04
Size: 342.02 KB

Neutral Citation: IRD Global Limited v The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (504/2023) [2024] ZASCA 109 (04 July 2024)

Case No: 504/2023

Media Summary